You’ve probably heard the term “progress over perfection.”
It’s a great sentiment, especially since society tends to romanticize reaching end goals & doesn’t celebrate all that happens in-between (or even what comes after).
But what constitutes as progress, & what happens when you don’t see it? What about when you’re doing all the right things, but nothing is happening?
This is why we’re coining a new phrase… * drumroll pleeeease * 🥁
Persistence over perfection.
In this blog post, we’ll do a deep dive on persistence: why it’s pivotal to reaching your goals, how it creates change, & how to stay motivated when that change isn’t coming fast enough.
Persistence is Key
One of my favorite creators, Dan Koe, has a saying that goes “nothing happens, then everything happens.”
What does this mean? 🤔
Have you read the book Atomic Habits by James Clear? (If you haven’t, would recommend!)
One of my favorite parts is where he talks about an ice cube.
Remember that ice melts at 32° F.
If you put take an ice cube out of the freezer but put it into a room that’s 28°, nothing will happen. The ice will stay frozen.
If you turn the temperature up to 30°, nothing will happen.
But as soon as that thermostat reads “32,” the ice will start melting.
Nothing happens, then everything happens.
While I wholly believe in doing your best, I also think that your best will look different every day.
But the beautiful thing about reaching your goals is that every little bit adds up ◡̈
Sometimes changing the thermostat several degrees won’t change a thing, but sometimes upping the ante just one more notch will put you over the threshold to see change.
The thing is, you never know what it’s going to be—so our best option is to just keep going!
Change Happens Sequentially
You know what’s really silly?
We oftentimes don’t even realize we’re on the brink of a massive breakthrough & we just don’t give ourselves to see it through.
We’re so obsessed with wanting a flower that we don’t realize that the roots are spreading, the sprout is forming, the leaves are creating energy…
Sometimes it looks like nothing is happening, but it’s actually giving you the momentum you need to go further.
You pull back an arrow for it to shoot forward, you wind up your leg to kick the ball further. You can’t get to fixated on the end result that you lose sight of what will get you there!
Change does not happen from one moment to the next.
& if it seems like it does, there’s probably more going on under the surface…
- That YouTuber that got big “out of nowhere” might have been on their fifth channel.
- That friend who reorganized her entire home “in a day” probably spent hours researching, weeks donating, & countless shopping trips finding the right bins.
- That cousin who “suddenly” bought a house was probably searching for months & saving for years.
Let’s reframe your area of focus so that you can stay motivated on the journey!
How to Stay Motivated
So, you’re doing the things, but it seems like nothing is happening.
We’ve talked about how there’s always something happening, but it’s not necessarily what you want.
James Clear has another concept that he calls The Plateau of Latent Potential.
There are two lines…
- What we think about happen: We think that as time goes on we should be getting results that are directly proportional to the effort we’re spending. But this is not what occurs…
- What actually happens: Nothing happens, then everything happens. It’s not a 1:1 ratio—the results are exponential. You just have to stick with it to see that happen.
That space between the two lines is rightfully dubbed “The Valley of Disappointment” because dang, it can really suck 😅
So how do you stay motivated in the meantime?
Focus on what YOU can control, & start looking for wins in those areas.
- Focusing for longer periods of time
- Things becoming second-nature & taking less effort
- Being consistent with working toward your goal
- Staying positive when things aren’t looking up
- Making new friends who want to encourage you
- Waking up excited to work on your project because you’re starting to find it… * gasp * enjoyable?!
You can’t escape the journey, mija. & tbh, you wouldn’t want to. Not only is it where you gain the skills you need, but it’s also where you build the confidence to use those skills well.